Whether you have money or not, money is your main source of stress 


You are stuck in a vicious cycle of money anxiety. You can never let it go without paying a price for it. Personal dreams and talents got replaced with racing to make money. Money became the source of confidence, pride and determination instead of our self worth. Hard work replaced wise work. Struggle, slogging and anxiety became normal. Having money became more important than living an authentic, real and joyous life. Sounds familiar?

Welcome to the Deprivation Triade.

Your struggles with money are not just yours. This self-defeating system started 3000 years ago, when they established the damaging practice of mindlessly cutting your umbilical cord at birth. It immediately disconnects you from your innate self-trust, healing abilities & a unique creative life assigned to you by your soul.

Has your umbilical cord been cut at birth?

Find out which type of money struggle you inherited 3000 years ago👇🏽


Are you waiting for that one perfect partner to show up magically? Learn the secrets of attracting true love and maintaining it honestly from the OG herself. Register for Find The Soul Of Your Love Life, signature inner clarity masterclass by UG (Udumbara Gesu).



Do you try to do everything right but there is never enough money?


 Like Kent who works very hard but abundance of money remains elusive.

Do you feel like you lose yourself every time you get into a relationship? Learn the secrets of attracting true love and maintaining it honestly from the OG herself. Register for Find The Soul Of Your Love Life, signature inner clarity masterclass by UG (Udumbara Gesu).


Do you feel like everyone is out there to get your money?


Like Tamanna who feels she cannot trust anyone with her money. 

Are you being controlled, threatened, abused in a relationship? Learn the secrets of attracting true love and maintaining it honestly from the OG herself. Register for Find The Soul Of Your Love Life, signature inner clarity masterclass by UG (Udumbara Gesu).


Do you believe money is the root of all evil in the world? 


Like Assina who feels trapped by money and wants to be far away from all the bad things happening in the world due to greed of money.

Do you get uncertainty instead of support from your life partner? Learn the secrets of attracting true love and maintaining it honestly from the OG herself. Register for Find The Soul Of Your Love Life, signature inner clarity masterclass by UG (Udumbara Gesu).


Do you believe money gives you worth in the world?


Like Anousha who believes that her friends, family and the society at large respects her because of the money she has.


Do you want to control your partner's identity, actions, & thoughts? Learn the secrets of attracting true love and maintaining it honestly from the OG herself. Register for Find The Soul Of Your Love Life, signature inner clarity masterclass by UG (Udumbara Gesu).


Do you often make bad decisions with money?


Like Najaf who keeps repeating his money losing patterns no matter how different his approach is.   

Let's break this destructive cycle with  

Navel Consciousness Personal Growth

the 25000-year-old healing wisdom

UG is the founder of Navel Consciousness, the 25000-year-old, forgotten, Primordial Mother’s Healing & Wisdom. Udumbara Gesu (UG) guides through Navel Consciousness' timeless wisdom and practices taught only by her on the planet.

What if we told you that you will be initiated into a healing wisdom that is far older than the most ancient cultures like the Mayan, Vedic, Chinese, Celtic and Egyptian. A wisdom beyond religions and dogmas. You don't need to put your 'faith' in it. It works with or without you believing in it. Every aspect of this primordial wisdom is backed by cutting edge science. 

UG is the founder of Navel Consciousness, the 25000-year-old, forgotten, Primordial Mother’s Healing & Wisdom. (book coming soon)

NC is the most advanced consciousness on Earth.

Udumbara Gesu (UG) guides through Navel Consciousness' timeless wisdom and practices taught only by her on the planet. 

Enjoy Money & its Divinity 

60-minute Signature Navel Consciousness Inner Clarity Masterclass by UG 

UG is the founder of Navel Consciousness, the 25000-year-old, forgotten, Primordial Mother’s Healing & Wisdom. Udumbara Gesu (UG) guides through Navel Consciousness' timeless wisdom and practices taught only by her on the planet.

 Whether you are:

  • Struggling with money
  • Have too much of it
  • wish to grow beyond your scarcity mentality
  • in a complicated relationship with money
  • Wish to create a new world for yourself with money
  • Find the divine side of money

Learn the secrets of using money to create a divine / blissful & abundant life from the OG herself. 

This signature inner clarity masterclass on the divine side of money by UG helps you stop chasing, controlling, fearing and hurting your relationship with money. 

It gives you penetrating inner clarity about the toxic social, emotional and financial archetypes embedded in your subconscious 3000 years ago. So that you can begin extracting these anchors and end the cycle of despair, lack, shame, insecurity and worry.

This masterclass gives you a clear roadmap to start creating and having your money from a space of awareness, confidence & eternal joy.

Discover your actual and natural prosperity. 

If you are ready to go beyond your urgency, opniions and judgements about money, then this masterclass will lead you into the inner freedom, wisdom and divinity that money has to offer to you.

It will help you get to the heart of money. 

Reclaim the primordial energies of money and give wings to your core values, dreams and visions about money. Ready?





Why Celebrities to students, everyone loves this program👇🏽

The results speak for themselves. With a 99% retention rate, we have some of the highest success rates in the world at transforming our learners at the School of Absolute Inner Clarity by Udumbara Gesu (SAICUG). 




UG loves to gift new possibilities to her followers and true seekers. This offer is one such gift.


Program Details

  • UG's signature pre-recorded video class (worth €290)
  • BONUS: 1 admission to the monthly live group class Festival Of Clarity by UG (worth €450)


Total Value €740

 Regular price €450


your discounted price


(you save €693)    
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*For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server.
*All products on sale are non-refundable.
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 What participants are saying

Are you feeling like Markie, Preeti, Tatashi and many more?

Mental Clarity

Shawn S


That was a unique money class UG. Internet is full of money clearning workshops but your blew my mind away. The depth and penetration of this class unparalleled. Thank you for this inner clarity masterclass. Money suddenly became a friend.

Emotional Clarity

Sameer R


You chnaged what and how i think about money from the root. I was very surprised to learn about all the Deprivation Triade emenets that keep us engaged in money worry. I finally understood why i have so much anxiety around money even though i have it in ample amounts. I would love to host this class for my club. It is equally needed by the rich and struggling both. 

Relationship Clarity



I was looking for a deeper mening nehind my money struggles. I took a few classes and even liked them However your class has changed everything from the ground up. Learning to recognise the deceptive Deprivation Triade hooks in our life is the most empowering thing i have learnt in my 20 years of learning journey. For the first time in my life I am excited about money and my life in a new way.

Purpose Clarity



I feel the most empowering thing for me is that this class help me most for money, yes but also for my love life and family matters. I love how it makes a full circle. It help me very much. Thank you UG for this Navel Consciousness miracle class about money. 

Spiritual Clarity

Rita M


Wow that was crazy clarity class! I loved it. Thank you UG. You changed my life for the best. I have been running away from money all my life. Thanks to you, I will be changing the world with it now. Love you. Thank you Navel Consciousness.


Emotional Clarity



My team and I really enjoyed your Navel Consciousness Inner Clarity Masterclass on money. As a businessman, I am always worried about money and its impact on my bussiness. It was very helpful to recognise such unique aspects of life and our emotions that play such a big role in our relationship with money. I was very relived to recognise my hooks. We all are looking forward to your next inner clarity masterclass. This time hopefully on some peace of mind. We all need it in the business world. 

Mental Clarity

Lyn K


Thank you for guiding me through such a personal transformation of how I think about money and how I handle money. I am feeling deeply empowered by the explanation you have given in the masterclass. It makes a lot of sense. It has connected many dots in my personal life that were otherwise a source of emotional pain for me. I loved you energy and your clarity. You are a wizard of clarity. I am looking forward to an in depth journey with Navel Consciousness personal growth wisdom. 

Karmic Clarity

Imran D 


Thank you for teaching me to track my real amotions, which impact my money matters. It was a very different class. You spoke so little about money and so much about other elements that impact our money reality. I was quite impressed by your presentation. You are a gifted speaker. I wanted to continue listening to you even after the class got over. I am quite an impatient person so please consider that a compliment. . Throughly impressed by you, UG. thank you for this empowerment. I am buying the next inner clarity masterclass right now.

Benefits of Navel Consciousness Festival Of Clarity

Activate your Sacred Inner Clarity👇🏽
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Boost Your Courage


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Boost Your Truth


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Boost Your Abundance


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Boost Your Sel-Love


UG is one of the world’s top Mentors 

and a coveted voice on personal development & advanced energy healing.






She is known worldwide for her exemplary clarity, fierce honesty and unconditional compassion. 

Since 1998, UG has been the rare bold voice that influential, honest and conscious seekers crave. Celebrated and endorsed by leaders in every field. 

🎤 A TEDx speaker, UG is a wisdom teacher to real seekers from across the world. Admired & followed across generations from millennials to the elders.

Udumbara Gesu grew up in the presence of God-intoxicated Masters & elusive mystics of India. Fuelling an out-of-this-world understanding of consciousness from an early age. This is why she founded Navel Consciousness, the 25000-year-old, forgotten, Primordial Mother’s Healing & Wisdom. (Book coming soon). 

She super specialises in human inner clarity. Guided by her timeless perception, she created the School of Absolute Inner Clarity by UG, an international online campus, where she teaches the fundamentals of Navel Consciousness™ to willing seekers. 

On a personal note, UG is a conscious mother, a foodie for old recipes, a fan of heritage handloom textiles and a circular environmentalist.

UG is an Inner Clarity Maestro, a Mystic, but most of all someone who admires you for who you truly are.  

Kerstin Düllmann  Artist & Exclusive Travel Curator

Kerstin Düllmann

Artist & Exclusive Travel Curator

"I've known Udumbara Gesu since 2003. 

I am not just a student who has done various workshops with her. In fact, I lived with her in India for 5 years. So I have seen her up close in her greatest difficulties and also her greatest successes. I have witnessed her clarity in life. 

I have watched her help all types of seekers find their own inner clarity. And that's why I can say that she has the heart of a realised woman, someone who helps you to tap into the most upgraded version of yourself."  

Yukta Mookhey  Miss World 1999

Yukta Mookhey

Miss World 1999 

"So proud of your work and in deep admiration for the simplicity & the depth of your work UG. Can't wait to be mentored by you". 

Social Proof for SAICUG

Juliet Haines  Founder, Feminine Wisdom School

Juliet Haines

Founder, Feminine Wisdom School

"UG, your transmission touched me to my bones. Thank you deeply from my heart". 

Reshma Vij

Reshma Vij

"Clarity, clarity and more clarity. Clarity is our UG's Unique Selling Point".   

Jesh Krishnamurti  Animation Legend, Founder Anibrain

Jesh Krishnamurti

Animation Legend, Founder Anibrain

"I have love and respect for you (UG). Your words, which I love, resonate very deeply, leaving me amazed at your clarity. Much gratitude and love Gesu."

Dr Radha Raghvan

Dr Radha Raghvan   

"Such impact! Wish we had these teachings when we were growing up". 


UG loves to gift new possibilities to her followers and true seekers. This offer is one such gift.


Program Details

  • UG's signature pre-recorded video class (worth €290)
  • BONUS: 1 admission to the monthly live group class Festival Of Clarity by UG (worth €450)


Total Value €740

 Regular price €450


your discounted price


(you save €693)    
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*For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server.
*All products on sale are non-refundable.
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