Learn to Choose Yourself 

& Become The Hero Of Your Life

Taken by 3467 people 

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No More


Emotional Turmoil

No More Mental Confusion 

No More Spiritual Doubts. No More Social Compromises 



🧚🏽‍♂️ Emotionally 🧜🏽‍♀️ & Spiritually

with UG, a 4th generation Indigenous Eastern Mystic will help you to: 


  • - Fall in love with yourself
  • - Shed suffocating social burdens
  • Become An Emotional Superhero
  • - Master Mental Stability 
  • - Get spiritually empowered 
  • - Learn to befriend your body 
  • - Become grateful for yourself

  Healing Yourself Isn't A Cakewalk 

👇🏽Is This You? 

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Are you drowning in confusing & contradictory  information on spiritual & personal growth?

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Are you struggling in the process of your spiritual and emotional awakening?

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Do you feel misunderstood or judged by your family, friends or others around you?

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Have you experienced fake masters, psycho babble, exploitation & misleading guidance? 

Welcome To Falling In Love With Yourself

Navel Consciousness by Udumbara Gesu, a 25000 year old healing wisdom. Learn from UG

Learn The Forbidden Art Of Choosing Yourself


Stop starving for your true self.

UG places the power back into your own hands by helping you transform your pain, your grief, your struggles and your insecurities into gratitude for yourself. Learn how to be you, the conscious, compassionate & unapologetic you.

Find the courage to let go


Gently purge everything that dims your inner light.

The most courageous act in a world that is cruel is to find your heart's joy again, heal your heart's wounds and learn how to live your heart's delicious wisdom. UG removes seriousness from inner work and practically shows you how to celebrate yourself during your emotional & spiritual awakening.

Navel Consciousness by Udumbara Gesu, a 25000 year old healing wisdom. Learn from UG
Navel Consciousness by Udumbara Gesu, a 25000 year old healing wisdom. Learn from UG

For Real Seekers Like You 


In a world where everyone is forced to wear masks, UG holds space for you to see your soul's beauty. 

Transform from being lost, confused, and alone to feeling heard, seen and understood. In a non judgemental safe space, especially created for seekers like you who are willing to clear emotional baggage, heal your past, step into your greatness and learn how to use energy like a spiritual master. 

Expanding Into Infinite possibilities


Start identifying with your soul instead of your limiting mind. 

Experience the power of universal grace flowing through UG's lineage, a space of unconditional kindness for yourself. Where you meet yourself with love in your eyes and slowly fall back in love with yourself. 

Navel Consciousness by Udumbara Gesu, a 25000 year old healing wisdom. Learn from UG
Navel Consciousness by Udumbara Gesu, a 25000 year old healing wisdom. Learn from UG

Enjoy The Unexpected Miracles Of Being You


Watch your self worth multiply a million times.

Learn how to trust your intuition more than your anxieties and overwhelms. Feel empowered as UG helps you shed the dead weight of other people's expectations and judgements.



€139/ per month

€1669 billed yearly- Save 20%

  • Monthly live group coaching with UG (€290)
  • Personal pre-coaching assessment(€125)
  • Live meditations & activations
  • Private community lounge


€166/ per month

billed monthly

  • Monthly live group coaching with UG (€290)
  • Personal pre-coaching assessment(€125)
  • Live meditations & activations
  • Private community lounge






We have been living in a cycle of deprivation since 3000 years. 

Everyone born in the last 3000 years by default faces challenges related to mental and physical health, self-worth, relationships, and finances. We are all exhausted, burnt out, desperate and ready for some ease. Thankfully now the time to break this cycle has come. 

What stands in our way? 

We are struggling with our own 3000-year-old toxic self sabotage patterns.You are unknowingly living with them. The worst part is that you are trained to defend most of these patterns with all your strength. Leading to relentless stress, pressures, insecurities, and a deep sense of dissatisfaction with life.

UG created a safe and nurturing space for your emotional and spiritual evolution

She teaches you how to end this destructive cycle with Navel Consciousness the 9th dimensional science of personal growth, spirituality & healing.  

Are you ready for miraculous living beyond fear? 

Navel Consciousness by Udumbara Gesu, a 25000 year old healing wisdom. Learn from UG
Navel Consciousness by Udumbara Gesu, a 25000 year old healing wisdom. Learn from UG

Why UG?

You find yourself enveloped by an ancient mystical force

UG is the 4th generation Indigenous Eastern mystic from India. She was born to doyens of energy healing and meditation. In her presence you will feel the joy and relaxation of her rich eastern lineage. Being with her itself is an initiation into healing and positive evolution.

You will feel safe, heard, understood & supported by a professional

Apart from her post graduation in psychotherapy, UG also has other impressive cutting edge mental health qualifications. You will get to experience the joy of a balanced approach: the mystical & the scientific as well as the primordial & the modern.

You will experience a non judgmental space held for you

UG personifies unconditional love as a direct result of her own 30-year personal enlightenment journey, which involves mental health struggles, death, loss, separation and quantum breakthroughs. Her style is non judgemental, contemporary, light & joyous.

What You Get  


👉🏽 You receive one monthly group coaching call directly with UG. Interactive, light, healing and engaging 60minutes session.

👉🏽 UG will work through specific challenges and activate on-the-spot healing whenever needed.

👉🏽 Fun homework to help you strengthen your inner clarity journey. 

👉🏽 Find support and a deep connect with other spiritually and emotionally awakening seekers.

👉🏽 Once you purchase FOC, you’ll have a bonus gift of 10% discount on virtual & onsite retreats with UG.

Navel Consciousness by Udumbara Gesu, a 25000 year old healing wisdom. Learn from UG

The Results Speak For Themselves

UG has some of the highest success rates in the world at transforming her program participants. Here are a few stories👇🏽

Freedom from Shame

Richard & Shanon 

“You peel a person to their bare brilliance. What’s left is an undeniable inner clarity. We love the authenticity that UG laughingly facilitates in us. After starting FOC, we feel a totally different level of self-love. We respect ourselves and each other with ease and understanding. Feeling peaceful is an understatement. We love you, our darling Udumbara. We will stay on this journey for a long time to come because we are sort of addicted to inner clarity now :).”

Freedom from Aimlessness


“For a millennial, its a journey like no other. I know that we millennials are yearning for a deeper purpose in life. Survival is not our goal. I don’t just want to live. I want to create an impact. My actual purpose began to surface on UG's one year program. It was very different from what I had imagined it to be. 

As an influencer now when I create content, it’s from my heart with a purpose to connect, build trust and heal. The impact has grown multifold, the audience trust ratings are up. My relatives have stopped nagging me. Instead, they want my opinions now. These are only a few long term transformations that I am listing. Everything else has changed. Everything! By helping me find my true life purpose, UG directed me to a never before freedom”

Freedom from Relationship Trauma


“I could not only see my blindspots but I could also heal them extensively. I am not free from them but I am not at their mercy anymore. I have an upperhand for sure. And for this I am forever grateful to my beautiful soul sister, UG. 

What I love about UG' style is that she brings you to the most profound healing with ease and even a lot of laughter.

Now, I want to invite my friends to this awakening and I do hope they can see it for the chance that it is”.

Freedom from unfufilment


“Over the last 4 months in FOC with UG I have learnt that trauma and grief doesn't define us. What I have learnt most importantly is how to let it go with ease. The space UG holds for you, the transformative power she has, the ease she facilitates, the language and her laughter, everything is healing. Clarity is her power and she envelopes you in it."

Freedom from unhealthy patterns


“I joined Festival Of Clarity because I just loved the name. I have been a confused person all my life. I have been a person who has sacrificed her happiness for everyone else. UG's superpower is a penetrating inner clarity about life and us the person living it. She breaks life down into bite sized chewable pieces that one can start to enjoy. I have always wanted to have a zen teacher like her. Sharp, loving, wise and bold beyond words. She teaches you a liberating boldness to live your truth. She is strict to look at but once you come into her energy, her aura is so loving. Laughter and fun define my experience of coming home to me and being more me than I ever have”.

Freedom from loneliness


“I was looking for love. Not just romantic love but love in general. This world is so serious, so selfish and so unromantic about life. I found not just a loving teacher in UG, I also found a fun tribe that loves to have clarity in life. I am very happy about FOC. Every month I look forward to UG's incredible presence and wisdom and the aura of the tribe. It boosts me up for the whole month ahead. "







Why UG Is A Beloved Wisdom Teacher Worldwide

What should I address Udumbara Gesu as?

You can call her UG. Her spiritual title is the Primordial Mother’s Mystic. She is the founder of Navel Consciousness™, the 9th dimensional science of personal growth, spirituality & healing. UG is honoured worldwide for her exemplary clarity, empowering honesty and unconditional compassion.

What is UG's spiritual background?

UG is 4th generation Indigenous Eastern mystic from India. Born to doyens of Meditation & Energy Healing, UG grew up in the presence of God-intoxicated Masters & elusive mystics of India. Fuelling an out-of-this-world understanding of consciousness from an early age. She experienced her first satori at 14.

  • UG's father Viswavijay Aftab was personally mentored by Osho, the legendary disruptive master.  
  • UG's mother Maa Rabiya is a famed energy healing master .
  • John Lennon and George Harrison of the famous band Beatles had invited UG's uncle Raghvendra to start his own meditation practice in London in the 1960's.

What is UG's educational & professional qualification?

UG has double post graduation. One of which is a M.Sc in Counselling & Psychotherapy with first class. She regularly updates herself with cutting edge mental health education. Thus walking the essence of East & West, Ancient & Modern balance fully. 

Does UG have any influential clients? 

Some of UG's famous clients are author Tanya Stewner, business leader Jesh Krishnamurthy, chef Marina Balakrishnan, relationship coach Ekta Dixit, & mystical artist ShivShera Azeer.

Has UG featured in media or influential platforms?

UG is a TEDx speaker. She has also spoken at various occasions with the rotary club and Aids Help. UG has appeared in regional, national and international media including Times of India, Tattva Viveka, The Indian Express, The Speaking Tree, Life Positive, Parent & Child, DNA, The Atelier, the Mid day etc.

Since when has UG been practicing?

Since 1998 from the age of 19, UG is preferred by influential and conscious seekers worldwide who solicit her guidance on personal growth, spiritual awakening & healing.

Who is UG personally?

UG is a conscious mother, in a relationship with an artist, a dotting daughter, a loving friend, an annoying activist for living meaningful lives, a foodie for old recipes, a fan of heritage handloom textiles, a circular environmentalist to list a few. 

Praise For UG 

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Tanya Stewner

Author - worldwide bestselling series Alea Aquarius 

 "Udumbara Gesu is all about authenticity. She is very clear with her thoughts, emotions and her actions. She is walking the talk. She takes great pride in taking care of her students. It’s rare to find such compassion and commitment. The kind of person that she is, is inspiring".

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Jesh Krishnamurti

Animation Legend, Founder Anibrain & Advanced Nature

"I have love and respect for you. Your words, which I love, resonate very deeply, leaving me amazed at your clarity. Much gratitude and love Gesu."

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Yukta Mookhey

Miss World 1999 

"So proud of your work and in deep admiration for the simplicity & the depth of your work. Can't wait to be mentored by you". 

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Kerstin Düllmann

Artist & Exclusive Travel Curator

"I've known Udumbara Gesu since 2003. I lived with UG in India for 5 years. I've witnessed her clarity in life. And that's why I can say that she has the heart of a realised woman, someone who helps you to tap into the most upgraded version of yourself."  

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Juliet Haines

Founder, Feminine Wisdom School

"UG, your transmission touched me to my bones. Thank you deeply from my heart". 

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Dr Radha Raghvan   

"Such impact! Wish we had these teachings when we were growing up". 

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Reshma Vij

"Clarity, clarity and more clarity. Clarity is our UG's Unique Selling Point".   


€139/ per month

€1669 billed yearly- Save 20%

  • Monthly live group coaching with UG (€290)
  • Personal pre-coaching assessment(€125)
  • Live meditations & activations
  • Private community lounge


€166/ per month

billed monthly

  • Monthly live group coaching with UG (€290)
  • Personal pre-coaching assessment(€125)
  • Live meditations & activations
  • Private community lounge